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Meeting Planning and Facilitation Tips for SARTs

Many SART coordinators and facilitators have not had formal training on how to convene people and run meetings. My first SART facilitation experience was when…

Resource Spotlight: SVJI’s NEW Protocol Template

I am excited to share with you all a new resource that SVJI created to help teams in protocol development. We work with a lot of…

Setting Goals for the New Year

Last week, we took some time to think about ways to look back on the work of your team. Now it is time to look…

Looking Back: Reflecting on the Work

Before we talk about your team’s New Year’s “resolutions”, it is best to first take a moment and look back on the work of the…

New Year, New Opportunities for Your SART

Welcome to a new decade! The New Year gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past and look toward the future (It is 2020,…

Collaborating with Corrections: PREA and Beyond

As with all SART work, improving the response to sexual violence in correctional facilities will be an ongoing process. There are a number of ways…

Corrections and SARTs: Relationship Building

SARTs can have a range of relationships with the correctional facilities in their service area. There are multiple ways SARTs and correctional facilities can have…

Partnering with Corrections

This month, we’ll be talking about how SARTs can expand their response to the sexual violence that occurs in jails, prisons, and other detention and…

Supporting a Coordinator: Who else can provide support?

A coordinator’s team and home agency are their primary support network. But, sometimes that isn’t enough. Coordinators often benefit from seeking external sources of support.